Integrity Time: Know It

Integrity Time: Know It

By Sara Berry

ABC Integrity Time Know It is a unique program designed to teach our young children foundational values of Integrity. It includes 26 Lessons based on the ABC’s – A stands for Attitude, B stands for Behavior, C stands for Cooperation, etc. The children will learn through games, special snacks, fun puppets, and creative songs many lessons about the importance of choosing what is true and good and right.

We are excited about partnering with you in teaching children important character lessons that will serve them now and throughout their lives. At the end of each lesson, the children will be given a Dinner Time Discussion Sheet to take home. This will encourage the partnership of parents, teachers, and other caring adults, making the difference not only in the lives of individual children but also in the world that they, in turn, will influence.

The Integrity Time Grow It! Kit includes:

  • Leader’s Guide – book with scripted lessons and supply lists for each lesson, as well as numerous printable pages to use in class
  • Clock Chart – colorful booklet with all of the lyrics to the Integrity Tunes music
  • Integrity Tunes 2 – Our exciting musical CD was produced by Emmy Award winning songwriter, Rivers Rutherford.
  • Student Booklet CDs – 3 CDs full of printable pages encouraging the children to write creative stories on the values they are learning, illustrate those stories, and practice writing the letter of the week – each CD is age appropriate for 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade.
  • Graphics CD included in the ABC Integrity Time Kit contains stickers, picture frames, a diploma, and all the reproducible pages found in the curriculum.
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