Well, it’s almost here. Christmas is just around the corner and for many of us that sends us into a state of panic. There have been many years I have ruined Christmas for myself (and sometimes my husband!) by allowing the stress of all the urgent things overcome the beauty of the important things. I don’t want to do that this year and I expect you don’t want to either. So, I was thinking that maybe we could study the story together. You know the story–the one that changed the world. The story that changed MY world and continues to do so each year. The greatest story ever told. The story of Jesus. Let’s savor that story. My 12 Days of Christmas Devo starts this Thursday. Join me and invite a friend!
Update: This Christmas devotional was originally released four years ago. I will re-post with occasional updates with the hopes that we once again can make the most of this blessed season. Merry, merry Christmas to you and yours!