Day 15: Their Hope and Future
Lord, may these children know that Your plans are to prosper them and not to harm them, to give them a hope and a future. May they seek you with all their hearts. Jeremiah 29:11-13
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
We have prayed for the future of our children from the time we first held them. In fact, I began praying for my birth children when they were still being formed in me. And I began praying for my adopted children from the time I first laid eyes on their photos. It is never too early to pray for the future of your children. When I say future, I mean future far away and near future. Pray for God to bring them the friends that He has selected for them. Pray for the teachers He chooses for them to have. Pray for their future spouses when they are still babies. Pray for their passions in work and hobbies and talents. Pray that their purposes in life will be revealed without too much floundering or aimless wandering. Pray most of all that they themselves would trust the Lord to guide them to the good future, full of hope and prosperity, that He has planned for them. (Just a note: prosperity means flourishing and thriving. It can mean wealth, but God’s view of wealth is very different than ours. If we are blessed with wealth, we are blessed so that we may be a blessing to others. Sure, I hope my kids are able to make a good living, but more importantly, I want them to flourish and thrive and have the wealth of joy.)
This is a great verse to memorize for yourself, as well as help your children memorize. They need to know that God has good plans and purposes for them, and they will find these plans and purposes when they seek Him with all their hearts. May we be certain of this truth in our own hearts and minds. May we savor this truth and may it lead us to peace and trust.